Internet marketing

Internet marketing is the promotion of a company, product or service by using online tools that drive lead, traffic and sales. This is also called online marketing or digital marketing, and it relies on various online channels to distribute promotional messages. Internet marketing is an umbrella term that encompasses a wide variety of marketing strategies and marketing opportunities. With content marketing, the days of sales pitches and traditional marketing are a thing of the past. In emails, search engines, social media posts and online blog,s there is one recurring theme: they are all focused on delivering content. Today, companies can accurately target their audience, provide useful information and give the right answer. This is perfect for consumers, because they don't want to hear about products or services that they are not interested in. Clicks on “skip ad” are faster – today's consumers are increasingly preoccupied with the information they consume. Content marketing should deliver meaningful information that solves user problems related to consumer demand.

Traditional Marketing vs Content Marketing

Long, long, long ago it used to happen that salesmen knocked on strangers' doors to sell encyclopedias. Today we can no longer appreciate it when someone shows up at the door unannounced - even when it's a friend. The fact is: traditional marketing no longer works these days. The traditional approach of throwing products or information into the lap of consumers is done with the idea of convincing them to buy the product. Chances are you've experienced this old tactic yourself: radio ads, TV commercials, billboards, and even call center workers calling over dinner. While traditional advertising may still work in some cases, the way consumers buy has changed with the advent of the internet. With infinite knowledge in their hand, consumers can access all desired information via their smartphone and ignore what they do not want to see. We can all agree that ads are annoying. They interrupt our focus and take us away from our journey to finding content that is really useful. Instead of intervening in the lives of consumers, brands and marketers need to take a different approach. They should ask questions first and then give answers, rather than the other way around. That's where content marketing comes in!

But why all the hype around internet marketing?

You understand what internet marketing is and how it benefits your brand. But what's with all the hype around it? Internet marketing is not just a fad. It's a proven winner. Here are some reasons why brands and marketers are shouting it from the rooftops:

  • By the end of 2021, the global content marketing industry is expected to reach nearly €350 billion.
  • Consumers who read a piece of branded content are 131% more likely to buy from that brand than consumers who don't read any content.
  • A whopping 49% of B2B buyers said they depend on content now more than ever to make purchasing decisions.

Five concrete examples of internet marketing

When it comes to content marketing, seeing is believing. Check out these five examples of content you can use to deliver exceptional value to potential customers and also help you rank higher in search results.

the dare company SEO blog

1. Blog posts and articles

When we think of content, we usually think of blogs first. That's because they are one of the most common means of delivering useful content. Blogs are great because they offer countless ways to boost SEO. They keep your website up to date and provide opportunities for audience engagement. You can link to other authoritative sites, which will help increase customer loyalty and increase your reach. But you can also link back to your own pages, so that people stay on your website longer. Most importantly, a blog can help you make a deeper connection with your audience. All of this helps you generate more leads and increase sales growth.

the dare company infographics

2. Infographics

Infographics are a creative way to deliver complex information in a format that is easy to understand. Through charts, images, charts, and illustrations, infographics break the monotony of text by providing readers with a fun, colorful image to digest (and share) valuable content. They are eye-catching, easy to read and present valuable information in a way that people can easily understand. Anyone who sees these types of images can read the important aspects of the discussed topic at a glance.

the dare company case studies

3. Case Studies

Case studies are another impactful form of content marketing. They are an additional way for brands to provide industry-leading content to inform and inspire their readers. Case studies are basically in-depth documentation of the successful projects and interaction with a real customer. They also explain how your products have helped them achieve the goals.

the dare company podcasts

4. Podcasts

Not everyone has the time (or desire) to do the in-depth research necessary for blog articles and case studies. Podcasts are then a great alternative and an effective way to reach a large target group. They enable companies to use storytelling techniques to attract audiences and share useful information. Podcasts are also a way to add personality to your marketing campaign. Listeners get to know you as the voice of your brand, which helps build more meaningful relationships with your followers. You can also bring in guest speakers that add another level of authority and help you expand your audience.

the dare company videos

5. Videos

Video marketing has been a growing trend in recent years. As brands seem to better understand how to use it effectively, 87% of brands using it say they see an increase in ROI (Return Of Investment). It's not hard to understand why. Videos are a fun way to consume information. They are convenient, do not require a large investment of viewer time and are easy to share with the public.

Start developing your content marketing strategy today! The success of your internet marketing campaign depends a lot on your ability to develop great content. With so many types of media and platforms to choose from, you can certainly build a content strategy that most effectively meets the needs of your target audience. Do you need help with this? The Dare Company has several in-house specialists who can help you on your way!