Target audience research

The 'Gemeente Rotterdam' (City of Rotterdam) is a well-known concept. But what activities and projects are carried out each year was not always known to us. Until a few years ago, when the Dare Company had the privilege of supporting the Municipality of Rotterdam with a large-scale project in Rotterdam. And in 2020 we were at it again! In collaboration with the City of Rotterdam, our marketing psychologist (Elysa van der Graaf) conducted research into the various cultures and groups in Rotterdam and we mapped out their wishes and needs.

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Target audience versus communication strategies 

This has resulted in a beautiful reference book for the behavior change campaign of the City of Rotterdam, which displays various communication strategies, divided by culture, ethnicity and individual. After all, each culture/group needs a different approach if a successful behavioral change is to be achieved. We are proud of the result, and would love to take you with us through the process of preparing this project!



Through an extensive literature review, we were able to identify the cultural differences, desires and needs of the individuals in Rotterdam. After all the results of the research were collected, our design department designed several templates in which information related to these target groups and personas could be displayed graphically.

Subsequently, the results of the psychological research were added to the various templates, resulting in a clear list of do's and dont's with regard to the campaign expressions. Naturally, the list was divided among the cultures, groups and individuals living in Rotterdam, in order to provide the most comprehensive picture possible of the communication strategies required for this behavioral change campaign.

In order to present our results at a glance, a map of Rotterdam has been designed in which all target groups are represented. This map shows where the majority of each target group is located and it is linked to the corresponding do's and dont's. Finally, all infographics, personas and the map were combined in a report which we proudly handed over to the City of Rotterdam.


The design

Each target group has been assigned a color on our map. The darker the color, the more people within that target group are present in a particular neighborhood. The templates incorporated the data and added icons for clarification. Partly due to our insights, the Gemeente Rotterdam was able to put a successful behavior change campaign on the map, using different communication strategies to suit each culture and individual.


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