The Boathouse
Stylish and innovative

The Boathouse Kralingen wants to offer a stylish accommodation to various events in Rotterdam. Furthermore, it is also a great place for a lunch with a view of the Kralingse Plas. This requires a stylish and innovative house style that is accessible to different targetting groups. Both businesses and consumers should be addressed by the classy design that fits well with The Boathouse.

Fast Delivery of event printwork

Many events require a tight schedule and a quick response from the designer to design appropriate and communicating printed matters. From the construction of the building to the biggest parties: The Dare Company has provided The Boathouse Kralingen with various printed matters, from menus to flyers and banners for special event events.

Social Media

We also take care of the social media of the Boathouse. The advertisements are promoted extra on all kinds of different channels and the brand values are communicated.